94. Plant a garden.


Let's get planting!


-Plant a kiss 

-Planta queen - now open in Dupont! 

-Plant a stake in the ground - to firmly hold your planting position that gardens can be quite contrary (just ask Mary…Mary!).


But what type of Garden to plant? 


A 3 sisters garden is getting some recent planting hype. But unlike most 3 sisters, these siblings don't fight, but instead grow together in symbiotic delight.


To help you ‘Plant a garden’’, here’s a simple 2-step process:

  1. Trade in your cow for 3 magic beans…
  2. Sit back and watch if a Beanstalk grows. If it does, just don't climb it, just don’t.

Your Future You’s messages are designed to de-weed your life, so your planted garden will transform your life into a planted Garden of Eden. When you choose this garden, your Future You is strongly urging you to leave out that one apple-growing, good-and-evil knowledge tree. Plant a pear tree or just anything without Apples.


P.S. - It’s been reported that Corporate Housing Companies help guests ‘Plant a garden’ by being a resource for growing your relocation garden. This can include helping guests avoid falling giants and talking snakes. Oh look, some nice young couple named Eve and Adam just filled out a rental application. And look, they applied using their Android device.  We guess they didn’t have another type of phone.

Why does this ‘Future You’ Series exist? What’s it about? 

  1. Promote easy, quirky sustainable practices that are NOT preachy, or guilt-ridden and without a focus on the ‘saving the planet’ (hint: the planet is going to survive no matter what we do). 

  2. A playful post of simple ways to sorta improve our lives, and the lives of those we love. Also improve our future lives… by taking playful action today. 

  3. Still reading? Cool. We think you’re amazing and full of joyful zest. 

This series is based off ‘105 Simple Sustainable actions’ - from Stephane Omsanski’s article in Parade from 2021.


94. Plant a garden.

Any kind of garden! Whether it's a flower garden or vegetable gardening, planting anything at all is great for the environment and even counteracts the human activities that cause emissions. It doesn't have to be just a tree! The more greenery there is in the world, the better.