93. Turn ‘the water’ off. We may be dating ourselves with this timeless suggestion, so let’s turn this into a dating pro...
92. Avoid fertilizers Or better stated: Avoid (chemical/artificial) fertilizers. When putting all the (...
91. Use the dishwasher. Great. Use the dishwasher. Got it. But we need more details… Like How? When? W...
90. Handwash your laundry. Carpe laundry! Dirty laundry… can generate obsessive hand-wringing. When your hands want to wrin...
89. Stream (of consciousness) through your smart TV. Hmmm… let’...
88. Avoid putting non-recyclables in the recycling bins. Just how incendiary would it be...
87. Recycle that old, energy-guzzling fridge. Ouch. This reads like a geezer-freezer burn.
86. Keep the car AC on low (when in DC). Let’s sing on high
85. Keep your artificial Christmas tree for at least seven years. Like episode 84- It’s Christmas. In April…Again.  ...
84. Compost your Christmas tree. Tis the season! Feeling Jolly? We just saw an early
83. Rinse out containers before recycling. We rinsed out a recyclable container from Domi...
82. Opt for refillable packaging. Luggage is a refillable package