103. Don't rely on standby.


The message is - Unplug. 


Wait!!!  before you unplu-… 


Please standby -  we are processing this suggestion for you.  Hmmm… 


…Still processing… Waiting… to rely on … standby.  Sigh.


 technical difficulties - please standby




If ‘standby’ is not reliable, we need someone who is 


- who else to call other than: 


Unplug-it man!


-And his ‘sometimes reliable’ sidekick  - Standby boy.




To help you ‘Don’t rely on standby’, here’s a simple 2-step process:

  1. Take a stand, by…
  2. Not relying on bystanders


Your Future You didn’t get to where he/she is by relying on standing-by or being a bystander.  Take a stand and take charge by unplugging (when possible) and your Future You will be gifted all your forward progress following what you believe in.  Even if you believe in make-believe superheroes.  



P.S. - It’s been reported that Corporate Housing Companies ‘Don’t rely on standby’ by unplugging electronics when a property is vacant. Which is better than following our guests around their furnished monthly rentals and unplugging every electronic device as soon as they were done using them.  Let’s just stick with asking our guests to be more mindful of electronic drain. If that doesn’t work, look!—- up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Unplug it Man! … to the rescue (while standby boy loiters nearby).  

P.P.S - ‘standby’ is a form of electronic loitering. 

P.P.P.S - ‘Standby’ may be unreliable, but Corporate Housing companies… wait for it (woo boy) here it comes - We BE reliable!

What do you think about this?  We’ll standby…


Why does this ‘Future You’ Series exist? What’s it about? 

  1. Promote easy, quirky sustainable practices that are NOT preachy, or guilt-ridden and without a focus on the ‘saving the planet’ (hint: the planet will survive…) 

  2. A playful post of simple ways to improve our lives, and the lives of those we love. Also improve our future lives… by taking fun action steps today. 

  3. Still reading? Cool. We think you’re amazing and full of joyful zest. 

This series is based off ‘105 Simple Sustainable actions’ - from Stephane Omsanski’s article in Parade from 2021.



103. Don't rely on standby.

In fact, switch it off. Plenty of appliances, devices, laptops, and chargers have a 'standby' mode that conserves energy when they're not in use. But it's not worth it! Instead, turn these items off and unplug them; it's much more energy-efficient than leaving them dormant.