39. Drive... differently.

Oooh… We like this one. Have you tried driving just using your legs to control the steering wheel while shaving or putting on makeup? How about Drive… as fast as you can in reverse? Or, ready for this one? Drive… without using a turn signal? (ugh. We think people do this already…somewhat/all the time). 

Now, how about Drive… via photosynthesis? That’s different…ly. If plants can grow and move using sunlight, why can’t you drive this way? Solar rickshaws in every garage! Drive… differently should not drive… you crazy. Drive…differently should mean Drive… sustainably (WHILE USING YOUR TURN SIGNAL…please).

To help you “Drive…differently” here’s a simple 2-step process:

  1. Discover what drives you.
  2. Make it different…ly, but use your GD blinker.

Your Future You enjoys variety and values your efforts to Drive…differently. As far as you know now, your Future You may include driving (piloting?) a flying car. Your Future You’s drives will likely be about keeping you alive… and loved by your future community (which may involve your future community loving your future use of turn signals).

P.S. - It’s been reported that Corporate Housing Companies are all about Drive…differently.  For example, Attache has an entire fleet of electric vehicles (all map wrapped) that we Drive…differently. And peering around the corner, we see more Corporate Housing companies steering in that direction to signal a new turn..for your future. See that blinking signal ahead? It means… it’s your ‘turn.’

This series is focused on Simple Sustainable Actions - based on Stephane Omsanski’s article in Parade from 2021.


39. Drive... differently.

Definitely stay away from sport mode. Yes, it's made for efficiency—especially if you need to quickly speed up to bypass someone or merge—but it's not made with the planet in mind. But apart from that, there are other ways to drive in an eco-friendly way. Braking and accelerating are also hard on your car... and on the environment so, whenever possible, try to avoid braking or accelerating too fast. The more you coast, the better.