53. Upcycle things into something new. 

Jazz Musicians, Macgyver, Steve Austin and Jamie Sommers.  We've always admired the blending of disparate parts into something new, something better. Something that can be re-built from existing parts that can be …Better. Stronger. Faster.

To help you ‘Upcycle things into something new,' here’s a simple 2-step process:

  1. Collect and appreciate what is here and now.

  2. Collaborate - improvise - upcycle - etsy. 

Your Future You wants you to 'upcycle things into something new' by upcycling both your thoughts and your health. Carrying a growth 'tude will align nicely with your better, faster, stronger ‘cyborg-rific’ future body. Your Future Your is asking you to look into the future and see bionic eyes appearing in 2024. 

P.S. - It’s been reported that Corporate Housing companies 'Upcycle things into something new' by combining the stability of a full size apartment or house, with the flexibility of furnished monthly rentals. In fact, we may give it a total re-brand: Attache Upcycled Housing - Joy in Every Upcycled Stay!... Meh. Our bionic eyes are forecasting the re-brand is not better… and therefore not upcycled, and Oscar Goldman would not approve.

Why does this ‘Future You’ Series exist? What’s it about?  

  1. Promote easy, quirky sustainable practices that are NOT preachy, or guilt-ridden and without a focus on the ‘saving the planet’ (hint: the planet is going to survive no matter what we do). 

  2. A playful post of simple ways to sorta improve our lives, and the lives of those we love. And improve our future lives… by doing stuff today. 

  3. Still reading? Cool. We think you’re amazing and full of joyful zest. 

This series is based off ‘105 Simple Sustainable actions’ - from Stephane Omsanski’s article in Parade from 2021.


53. Upcycle things into something new.

Lots of stuff can be upcycled rather than recycled or even discarded. Empty toilet paper rolls are great for crafts, milk jugs can be made into birdhouses, and so much more.